Using Custom Recruiting for Multinational Healthcare Research

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A life sciences team was completing specialized research on new technology in the organ transplant space on behalf of a medical device company. Their research included different perfusion methods (e.g., hypothermic vs. normothermic machine perfusion) and they needed very specific expertise in both the US and Europe.


Guidepoint immediately commenced custom recruiting for both transplant surgeons and experts from national transplant organizations. Guidepoint’s US team coordinated with Guidepoint’s European teams to find qualified surgeons globally. Both the US and European teams were highly successful in this narrow request, ultimately recruiting:
  • Over 20 experts across the US and the EU
  • The Principal Investigator (PI) on the only US trial for normothermic machine perfusion
  • Presidents and CEOs of leading US organ procurement organizations


The client was able to speak to both US and EU-based experts and conducted five calls. Each one of these Guidepoint Advisors was specifically custom-recruited for this client. The client commented that without the PI recruit, their project would not have been possible.


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