상황: 상업용 로봇 및 서비스 로봇 글로벌 시장은 단기간 내에 급속도로 성장할 것으로 예측됩니다. 로봇이 배달하는 택배, 자동화된 상점과 주방, 서빙 로봇은 더 이상 현실과 동떨어진 이야기가 아니라는 것입니다. 소비가전제품 글로벌 선도 기업은 로봇이 기업 내의 중요한 일부분이 될것이라고 예상했습니다….
상황: 상업용 로봇 및 서비스 로봇 글로벌 시장은 단기간 내에 급속도로 성장할 것으로 예측됩니다. 로봇이 배달하는 택배, 자동화된 상점과 주방, 서빙 로봇은 더 이상 현실과 동떨어진 이야기가 아니라는 것입니다. 소비가전제품 글로벌 선도 기업은 로봇이 기업 내의 중요한 일부분이 될것이라고 예상했습니다….
SITUATION: The global COVID-19 health crisis and its aftermath greatly impacted people’s living and business conduct. Office closures and remote work arrangements made the traditional need for a signature on paper highly inconvenient. Guidepoint’s client, a mutual fund company in…
状況: COVID-19による世界的な健康危機とその余波により、私たちの生活とビジネスにおける行動は大きな影響を受けています。オフィスが閉鎖されてリモートワークが始まり、書類への署名を要する伝統的なやり方は非常に不便なものとなりました。ガイドポイントのクライアントである日本の投資信託会社は、電子署名のニーズに市場の将来性を感じ、COVID-19によるこのニューノーマルが電子署名ビジネスにどのような機会をもたらすかをさらに理解するべく、当社に専門家サーチを依頼しました。 ソリューション: ガイドポイントジャパンのチームは、要望に応じて、以下のような点について即時的かつ正確な洞察を提供する能力を有する157人の専門家を特定することができました。 電子署名や電子契約を可能にする技術 新規かつニッチなこの市場における主要なプレイヤー 近年のパートナーシップおよび市場への影響 主要プレイヤーの競争優位性 一方、ガイドポイントは、最適な専門家をさらに絞り込むべく、クライアントとともにスクリーニングのための質問事項を設定しました。以下のアドバイザーとの間に3回のコンサルテーションを実施しました。 多国籍コンピュータソフトウェア会社の元エンジニア部門長 大手電子署名プロバイダの元セールスイネーブルメント担当副社長 米国大手ブロックチェーン技術プロバイダーのデジタル資産およびマーケット担当ディレクター 結果: コンサルテーションの後、クライアントは求めていた重要な洞察を得ることができ、電子署名業界のディールソーシング促進のための市場調査を進めることができました。 Guidepoint の詳細情報をご説明し、ご質問にお答えします。 [fwp-button label=”お問い合わせ” type=”black” link=”https://www.guidepoint.com/contact/?lang=ja-JP” tag=”a” align=”center” extra_class=”custom-color”]
CLIENT SITUATION Those afflicted by rare diseases are most vulnerable, as they count on newly developed treatments to extend and improve their quality of life. Access to accurate findings is crucial in this case, especially when it comes to…
CLIENT SITUATION A global electrical manufacturer was considering entering into a partnership with a third party in South East Asia (SEA) specializing in eIoT (energy Internet of Things). They needed to have a detailed assessment of the market opportunity,…
CLIENT SITUATION A major market research company was looking to better understand the cross-border B2B payments space. They needed to get perspectives from top-tier international banks on a tight timeline. GUIDEPOINT SOLUTION In order to fulfill this request,…
CLIENT SITUATION A team at a large agency was pitching a new client and wanted to become better informed on top hospital executives’ perspectives regarding specific procurement processes. GUIDEPOINT SOLUTION The Guidepoint Professional Services team immediately sent Advisor…
CLIENT SITUATION A client at a large agency was conducting extensive research to test corporate messaging for a pharmaceutical company within two populations: media and investment professionals. They wanted a variety of credible perspectives and needed results quickly, so…
CLIENT SITUATION A consulting team needed to get up to speed quickly on the space for blow-molded rigid plastic packaging. They were on a tight timeline to understand the current market and potential end-markets for this type of packaging…
CLIENT SITUATION A healthcare team working on behalf of a pharmaceutical company wanted to better understand how anti-cancer pharmaceuticals are evaluated for inclusion on payer prescription lists. They were conducting strategy research and needed a large volume of experts…